Shipping fee to: PERÚ (Lima) | Rate zone: Peru - Lima

Scale – Weight ordered
[0  –  2000 gr.] S/. 80,00
[2001  –  4000 gr.] S/. 160,00
[4001  –  10000 gr.] S/. 725,00
[4001  –  10000 gr.] S/. 1550

Form and delivery time:

  • Economical: The economic shipping is done by registered post DHL. The average transport time is usually 10 to 15 days. Keep in mind that your order may suffer customs delays in your country beyond our control.
  • Urgent: Express or Express delivery outside Peru is done via EMS (Express mail service) DHL, the transport time is usually 3 to 5 days (without considering customs delays). In Peru, the express delivery is made by courier and the transport time is from 1 to 3 days.

Tips to optimize the shipping price:

  • In the shopping cart, the weight of your order is displayed live. You can go back and buy more products so that your purchase has the maximum weight of the scale and pay for the same thing.

  • The weight of the order is the weight of the products plus 600gr. packing.

  • We recommend buying products with light weight presentations

  • Keep in mind that your order does not enter your letter box and your presence will be necessary for the reception or collection at the post office branch.

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